Products safety Field legislation General Electrical products sector Mechanical products sector Metrology sector Glass, shoes, cleaning products sector Mechanical products sector Lifts Personal protective equipment Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive environments (atmospheres) Equipment intended for use in open environments and noise emission in environment Toys Electrical products sector Electromagnetic compatibility Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits Toys Metrology sector Measuring instruments Pre-packing Glass, shoes, cleaning products sector Glass products labeling Footwear materials labeling Textile fiber names and related labeling Labeling and data of detergent ingredients Frequently asked questions Products safety Field legislation General Electrical products sector Mechanical products sector Metrology sector Glass, shoes, cleaning products sector Mechanical products sector Lifts Personal protective equipment Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive environments (atmospheres) Equipment intended for use in open environments and noise emission in environment Toys Electrical products sector Electromagnetic compatibility Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits Toys Metrology sector Measuring instruments Pre-packing Glass, shoes, cleaning products sector Glass products labeling Footwear materials labeling Textile fiber names and related labeling Labeling and data of detergent ingredients Frequently asked questions General “Strategjia ndërsektoriale për mbrojtjen e konsumatorëve dhe mbikëqyrjen e tregut 2020”, Korrik 2014 Ligji Nr 10433, date 16.6.2011 “Për inspektimin në republikën e Shqipërisë” Ligji Nr. 10 480, datë 17.11.2011 “Për sigurinë e përgjithshme të produkteve joushqimore” Ligji Nr. 10489, “Për tregtimin dhe mbikëqyrjen e tregut të produkteve joushqimore”, datë 15/12/2011 Udhëzimi Nr. 177, “Për metodat e klasifikimit të risqeve dhe vlerësimit të riskut serioz”, datë 26/12/2013 VKM Nr. 36, datë 20.1.2016 “Për krijimin, organizimin dhe funksionimin e inspektoratit shtetëror të mbikëqyrjes së tregut”